Saturday, May 22, 2010

Multi-part Jams

I have always been a huge fan of songs that have two or more distinct parts. Until recently, I never really understood why I liked these songs, I just thought it was pretty cool to have completely different styles, tempos, and instruments mixed on the same track. When I was home for my dad's birthday last weekend, I realized why I love these songs so much. Two of my dad's favorite songs of all time, "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel and "Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey" by Paul McCartney, are songs with two or more distinct songs on one track. These songs bring me back to my childhood.

Two of my favorite tracks that have different sections on one track are "Come Downstairs and Say Hello" by Guster and "Ragged Wood" by Fleet Foxes. I know I have put "Ragged Wood" on here before, but it deserves to be on here again. The song is just that good and Robin Pecknold is my idol. "Siberian Breaks" by MGMT came in a close third for today's entry, but I didn't think many of you had the dedication to sit around for 12 minutes and listen to that one. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You know I've been all about Siberian Breaks for a while now.

    A silver jet plane,
    Making the turn,
    Exciting the brain,
    That expects it to crash and then burn


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