Thursday, October 14, 2010


As most of you probably know, I am unemployed for the month. I am using this time to travel, sleep and catch up on some movies. I had been wanting to see 500 Days of Summer for awhile now. And yes, my obsession with Zooey Deschanel has something to do with it. The movie was decent but a bit cheesy. I really liked the style of the movie, but it's definitely a chick flick.

This is a music blog so enough about the movie. The clip below is from the movie and coincidentally one of my dad's favorite songs. When our family used to go on road trips, there were many traditions. A) Bologna sandwiches on white bread, B) My mom needing to stop every two hours on the dot to use the restroom, and C) My dad listening to horrible music the whole way there. My dad's favorite bands (in no particular order) are Boston, Kansas, Chicago, Styx and Hall & Oates. I have always loved the memories surrounding this, despite my musical tastes telling me to hate it. The song below, "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oates is a tribute to my father. Enjoy.


  1. i love this movie. joseph g. levitt, zooey deschanel, and spontaneous song and dance? doesn't get much better than that.

  2. haha, I didn't care that much for the movie. He finally gets over Summer and the next girl he meets is Autumn? A bit cheesy.


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